Tuesday 30 August 2011

Another Day Downtown.

It has been another busy few days and I am totally exhausted.  Which is good for all you people who actually read this because that means it will be short!  Well to start off, it was a rainy day here a couple of days ago.  Can you believe it!?  :)  Anyway, I decided to build the kids a fort and have a movie day.  Here is a picture of that.

And yes, for those of you who care about Football.. That would be an Arsenal blanket.  They are die hard fans.  I told them my nephew wanted a Chelsea jersey and I about lost my job.  Haha.  So then yesterday, I got to hang out with actual people outside of this house!!  It was great!  Here are some pictures from the riots.  The stores were totally ruined and they have Flats (apartments) above the stores that are just gone... Here is a picture from that.  

After that, I went to a friends apartment and she had the most amazing view.  That little red circle is the London Eye.  You could see everything!!  Here you go.  :)

Anyway, today we decided to go downtown again.  They boys wanted to do some Sight Seeing.  They have lived in London their WHOLE lives and have NEVER seen Big Ben or Buckingham Palace in real life!  So we went there.  Here are those ones.  

Cameron was actually quite a good driver!

This one above is Cameron's favorite.

William wanted the picture.  Isn't he the cutest?!  These next two are for you Dad.  WWII monuments.

Police on HORSES!!  You don't see that every day..

Another Police Man on a horse.  William was like "Nicole take a picture, take a picture!!  The American's need to see this!"

The next few pictures are from The Changing of the Guard.  I thought this was fascinating.  They are so precise!  It was really cool to watch.

Well that is all for today.  I will write a better post when I have time.  I love you all and miss you very much!


  1. Those are some cool pictures and the kids look they are having a great time hanging out.
